Global Warming: Keep Holding On


Mohammed Al-Amrie said...

I'm really touched by this video clip with shots of pictures. It's true that by holding each other hands we will make through all the bad things and NOW as we destroyed our atmosphere it is still not the END. We can change things to protect our lovely planet for the best we can give for the future generation.

Hasan said...

yes my friend by thinking together we will solve all our problem. global warming is a problem will not solve until all the people in the global stop using more and more of oil. the UAE is going to change its depend on oil for produce electricity in the near future.

Molly Kirk said...

This video is simply great. Who's singing--is it The Corrs? Anyway, whoever mixed the pics & music did a great job! I hope we all can keep holding on, making small changes to save the earth.

Hasan said...

the singer is Avril Lavigne.